
The season of Advent looks forward to the promised Saviour.  

The season of Epiphany appreciates how Jesus has been revealed to the world and to each of us. As we anticipate and appreciate, we come to see how much we need the saving work and redeeming person of Jesus Christ.

We need him. We need a Saviour. 

The season of Lent was historically designed around personal evaluation and repentance. The more we behold Jesus, the more we consider our own sin and shame, to realize our need for him, and to respond in humility and repentance. This coming sermon series will focus on specific Scriptures for each week in Lent, calling us to consider how we need a Saviour, how Jesus addresses our need, and the ways that we will continue to rely on him as we walk in forgiveness and new life.  

As you turn from sin and turn towards Jesus, may you be blessed in your dependence and walk with him.

For the Lent Study Companion Click Here